Tuesday, May 31, 2005

fast paced life of the city

here at sab's place. trapped in this cloud of smoke we all made. im so drowsy. im beginning to create this big pile tissue already. i feel bad. i think im sick. wrong timing talaga ang rain all the time. takas nanaman ako tonight and obviously the rains not cooperating! how am i gonna go home now? bummer. rain rain go away.

its been two days already that i havent had access to kuya willy, our beloved driver. forced then i was to commute. something ive been scared of my whole life. i know its practical. i know its normal. call me maarte but its not really me. but hey, i survived two straight days commuting. to and from school in fact! for some simple reason, i liked it. but i still hate it. weird but true. the feeling of stickiness and the feeling of people so unknown to me and yet very near me really sucks. though the feeling of independence overwhelms me. i could try it again and again but it shouldnt be a regular thing. id get so bummed out by then.

gotta talk to sab now.

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