*** from aly's blog
Isang special greeting para sa special friend kong si…. Kar Sangalang,
Happy Birthday Karky!!
I love you!
*** your so sweet alypot! thank you!
*** this ones from reji's blog
i would like to sincerely apologize to someone really important. i hope you understand, i wanted to come last night but certain reasons failed to permit me. im really sorry Kar. i do hope i can make it up to you in one way or another.
im sure you had a blast last night. aidz is such a sweetie and you're more than lucky enough to have someone like him. cheers to the both of you. :)
may you have many more fun-filled birthdays to come. :) i miss you a lot!
*** its ok reji dear. i miss you as well!
pre-birthday celebration with aidz, eli, taker, japs, doms, adi at Dapo, Tomas Morato
* eli's group hug
* taker's 'happy birthday ka' sabay hug
* japee's candle/tissue
* bub's flower
dinner with the family + aidz, mar, xavier and ning at Kagayaki, Tomas
* same old wacky us (ning, mar, moi)
* papa's innate ability to make a lot of people laugh

surprise party

for more pictures, see karkar0905.multiply.com
;) sorry im too lazy to upload the pictures again. hihi
thanks to those people who greeted me yesterday! to those who were part of the surprise party (whether you were there or not), you guys made my day! a special thanks to you aidz. planning a surprise party aint a bag of chips, you know. thanks to my family also. im grateful for having you guys as my angels. i love life, but i love you more.
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