Thursday, December 27, 2007
Karen recommends.
1. Cream Silk Precision Repair Treatment
One of the best features that I've had since birth was my hair and I was always proud of it. Sadly though, I've had too many haircuts and too many right and wrong hair colors done in my hair enough for it to be damaged this much. Don't get me wrong, it still looks nice (bleahahaha!) but I just knew that something was different the minute I dyed my hair black. I kept on complaining how it became sad-looking and lifeless to people simply because it's like not having a cellphone for a month. My aunt gave me a box of that Cream Silk Precision Repair Treatment and my God, repair kung repair!
You just have to use it once a week. Must I say, one try was enough for me to get hooked. I'm really going to use it again. It brought back my love.
2. Splash Corporation's Baby Spa Liquid Powder
This product is genius. I'm giving this to my preggy friend. FINALLY, a company realizes that loose powder is terribly bad for babies! This liquid powder is perfect because it nourishes and protects the baby at the same time. It comes in different scents to! I think I'll try all actually.
Okay, fine I said there's nothing fashion-related here but Talc is so cool (I can't believe I used that term) that I just have to say it. They have the most gorgeous and fun bags that you'll ever see. I have the "Seoul" one thanks to my Momma Alexa.
4. Laptop sleeves/bags/envelopes
Laptops are definite must-haves now that is why it's important for someone to buy a a protector for your laptop that would look good anywhere, anytime too.
5. Belle de Jour
This planner is fit for all the Sex and the City girls out there. Other than the fact that I know the owner of this planner (Hi Dar!) and that I'm so amazed by how much her product has gained market through the years, I think that this planner is Cosmo mag made more organized.
6. Gloria Jean's Planner
For the not so kikay, I prefer this planner. The Starbucks planner has become so overrated and yucky through the years that buying it is kinda useless already. The Gloria Jean's planner is perfect for highschool-college people. It's really cool inside. While the Starbucks planner has Deviant art-ish pictures of coffee and coffee shops in between months inside, Gloria Jean's has pop-art. I love love love it. I'm so happy my dad gave me one.
7. Bobby's File Case/Trapper Keeper
I honestly don't know what it's called but it's like a trapper keeper with flaps inside where you can put all your files/handouts/important documents. On the side, there's space and pouches for all your necessities like pens, post its, Ipods, etc. It's really cool 'cause the skin's all leather and it's sold for ONLY Php450. They have it in different colors - pastels, neutral, etc. I'm excited for the Gold, Bronze and Silver edition. I want the bronze one. But if Bobby follows my animal skin ideas, I'll buy either the zebra or the leopard print.
I'm so proud of my brother. It was supposed to be solely for his LS project but it got so famous and big in Ateneo that he's been negotionating with Fully Booked already because they want to sell his products as well. For inquiries, please message me at my Tagboard.
8. Gossip Girl
Ugh, so ditsy!
9. Ugly Betty
Okay, my frieds have been watching this since the first episode but I only had the chance to watch this just recently. It's so addicting. Betty is soooooo adorable and irritating at the same time. I love Amanda, she's such a typical blonde.
10. 77 Cafe at Kamuning for QC people and 19th Bar and Grill for South people
They both have the same feel - cozy. Both establishments serve delish food and alcohol like others. What I love about these two places are their homey setups.
Current bands play at the 19th Bar and Grill. I don't know if 77 does the same thing but as far as I know, it just plays music fit for chilling (wataword).
11. F*art
Indicated by the name itself, F*art is a fusion of fashion and art. Conveniently located in the heart of Quezon City, near ABS-CBN and GMA-7 studios, it is where young, fast-rising fashion designers and artists showcase their creations.
F*ART offers funky fashionable finds fit for fun Filipinos.
In Fashion ART anything is possible and what you imagine is within your reach. That is because Fashion ART allows you to interact with Filipino fashion designers and artists so you can customize the products you really want to have, according to your taste and needs. That’s right because Fashion and ART is a place where young, fast rising Filipino fashion designers and artists showcase their freshest creations. Fashion and ART offers funky fashionable finds fit for fun fab Filipinos.
It's cool to spend the whole day there and experience all the interesting goodies.
12. Mr. Kebab
I don't know anyone who hasn't been to this place yet (not that I asked everyone I know if they've been to Kebab). This place will always be my favorite. There's a runner up though - Grilled Tomato at Tomas Morato.
13. Piedra, Fort
For that fun night of Hifhof and RnB. It's where I usually have fun with my friends.
14. Inihaw na Chicken at Chicken Boy, Xavierville
They're not called Chicken Boy for nothing :) Eat it with Bacolod rice and you're solved for the week.
15. Bath and Body Works' Warm Vanilla Lotion
It can work wonders. A person can be addicited to this smell in a second, I promise.
16. Olay Total Effects
I've been using it for more than a year now and must I say, I've never had any complaints.
17. Colloidal Lotion
For the very very very dry skin, use colloidal lotion. Trust me, I've had my own taste of going to the derma because I shaved my legs the wrong way causing my legs to dry (up to a point when it looked like a snake skin! can you believe that?!) and itch. When my derma gave me this colloidal lotion and that other lotion whose name I completely forgot. They are really effective. My ugly skin was gone in days!
Colloidal lotion, from what I've heard, is a combination of fats and some other ingredients needed to make lotions.
There. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wrap up
I don't usually do year-end summaries but this year is so exceptional that I just have to write about it. 2007 was a year of firsts and a year of lasts, a year for things to finally happen, and a year for old things to develop into new ones.
This one's taken from a survey my friend Ria answered too.
1. Did you fall in love?
I always do.
2. Did you get any new best friends?
I’m lucky that I was able to keep all the friends that are worth treasuring. Meeting new friends are wonderful, I must say. I’ve met quite a lot this year and I’m very thankful for them but I’m more thankful for those who stayed. Adults are right, 'the older you get, the less true friends you have'. I'm still lucky to have true friends to keep me happy and (sometimes) sane, thank God.
3. Did you start disliking someone?
I hate disliking someone this bad but I guess I do hate someone right now, I'm sorry.
4. Did you get your heart broken?
Yes and I'd rather not talk about it anymore.
5. If you could change something about this past year, what would it be?
6. Are you happy of how things turned out?
I am more than grateful for everything's that happened. I love my life because of 2007. I'm pretty sure that I'm more mature and more driven this year. It feels so good to know that you're assured of your future because you're on the right track to personal success/happiness.
7. Did you get any thing pierced? Where?
Other than my normal ears and navel piercings, I haven't had any yet.
8. What's your new favorite color(s)?
Blue will always be my favorite color. It makes me think of the sky and the beach everytime.
9. Did you do anything life changing?
I joined MarkProf Foundation's search for the Top25 Marketing Trainees for 2007 plus I've been recently nominated for an Agora Award. I love it.
10. Favorite piece of clothing?
Oh God, I don't know where to start. I've been collecting dresses for the past months so I guess Im inlove with all of them. I'm addicted to my scarves and my big fasyon tops although I think I'm wearing them less from now on because I can't monitor my weight with those clothes. I love my grey tights too. They're so cute :)
I'm now starting to collect officey clothes. It's not really my preffered type but I have to buy because society dictates that of me. Good thing my dad pays for all of it. He's soo cute. He's into buying me Zara and Tyler clothes because he wants me looking all professional. Haha! I love you, Papa, and thank you.
11. Did you go to any parties?
Tsss, there was a time when I haven't seen my family for months because of parties/booze sessions. Before, they'd complain about the fact that I'm never home but they joke about it now. I'm trying to catch up on the things that I've missed out on (like regular Sunday reunions with cousins) that is why I TRY my best to lessen the going-out-routine-every-night thing.
12. Did you have any surgeries?
How I wish. Im so open to cosmetic surgeries that is why when I have enough money to pay for my own surgeries, I'll have my legs and arms done in an instant. Oh and I'll try getting those deep dimples that I've wanted for so long.
13. Do you like our president?
I don't really give a crap, to tell you honestly. The Philippine Government has always been so fucked up that to care for it is kind of useless already, in my opinion. In fact, I pledged to my family that I'll only get my Voter's Id when Bayani Fernando runs for President. I really hope he does.
14. Do you support our troops?
I do not care at all.
15. Did you get engaged/married?
Im too young to get engaged/married. I'm gonna marry when I'm sure of my extravagant future already. Haha!
16. How many bf/gf's did you have?
Around 8, I think.
17. What's your favorite thing you got for christmas last year?
Post Secrets book from Ley, shopping spree from my dad, and the Ipod case that Bobby gave me. Oh and DORA doll 'cause I look like her daw :)
18. What's the thing you want the most this year for Christmas?
Assurance and piece of mind. And that black and gold hoope earrings that I saw the other day.
19. Has anybody you loved passed away?
Nada, fortunately.
20. How's school going so far?
I'm finally done with college! Imagine, after 5 years!! Im proud to say though that I graduated with honors and that I graduated from a course that I'm totally inlove with. I can't wait to work.
21. Did you get any pets this year?
Nope. I want a dolphin when I'm super rich but for now, I think I want another Hammy (a hamster). I miss him.
22. Did you have any "new" members added to your family?
Haha, I don't think we're that viable to have another one added to our family. Indirectly, however, I think Len, our maid, who has been really sweet and wonderful for the past 3 months is the new addition.
23. What's your favorite song?
Crank dat! Kidding! I don't know. I have so many.
24. Who's your favorite band?
Fallout Boy, Vertical Horizon, Incubus, Maroon Five, The Fray, Death Cab, Rooney, Something Corporate, Matchbox 20, etc.
25. Favorite person in your family?
26. Have you had a job?
I've been a stylist 3 times for the past year and I loved every minute of it. 7 months for Tyler, 3 days for the Globe event, and 2 days for La Copa, Fort.
27. Have you been arrested?
Haha, there's so need for that! I'm crazy but not stupid.
28. Have you been in trouble?
All the time. I'm always in trouble, I swear. But it's all good! Being in trouble makes day to day activities more fun and exciting.
29. Have you thought about suicide/murder?
Before, but it was like a 30-second commercial in my mind.
30. Are you emo?
Haha, a loot of times.
31. Favorite trend of the year?
Tights and indie films! Plus long necklaces. It's really wonderful to find one long necklace that is totally different from all the others that are usually sold in Greenhills.
32. What decade do you wish you could live in?
My decade! It's so full of everything plus the people are less traditional and more carefree.
33. Do you have a crush on someone?
Wow, it's been a long time since I've encountered the term CRUSH. NOw that I think about it, I don't know if I've had one in months OR years.
34. New Year's resolution?
Lose the fat, get a nice job, give more and demand less, try going to events on time, and be honest to people.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sleigh bells ring, ARE YOU LISTENING?
You say "sana karmahin ako", I say you don't know how much I gave up for you that I think I deserve something more than just that line. I'm not saying this to make you feel thankful / grateful that I gave up things for you coz I did that without your influence but I hope you know that I started counting on you the day I made that decision. I think I deserve something more than "Bat kita aalagaan? Malaki ka na, kaya mo na alagaan sarili mo Kar. Di ka dapat umaasa sakin." Why can't I?!?!?! What the hell is the point if I can't actually count on you!?!
Last night I heard the most hurtful things that any special person can tell me.
You say I'm selfish, I say you've known that ever since we became a couple actually. My selfishness was never an issue to you before, why is it such a big deal now?! I thought you love/d me for being so demanding and so needy, what's the difference with then and now?! One tip honey, you get into a relationship with one person because you love that person for who he/she is, and not for who he/she can become. You're trying to turn me into someone Im not by making me understand that you cant fucking come to me when Im sick because you wanna buy car parts. You compare with your officemates and accuse me of being less of a girlfriend as compared to them. You tell me that Im the only reason why you feel that way about yourself when, in fact, I have no intentions of doing that to you at all. I am hurt, I hope you know that.
Thank you to the people who are always there for me whenever needed. I ALWAYS LOVE YOU, NO MATTER WHAT. Zham-fong LOVE TO YOU, DARLING!
Monday, December 10, 2007
'Tis the Season
Tis the season, really :)
Everythings's been great for me this year, thanks to those lucky stars. It's that time of the year once again, the time of gift giving, hot chocos, endless fasyon parties and guiltless shopping.
My Christmas wishlist for this year is totally blank. Not that I don't want anything at all, I just don't know if I want something that specific right now (kaw kasi bambi e). I feel like I've got every material thing that I could actually want (I havent been to the malls yet so maybe that would change). I'm focusing more on the things that I'm giving to my dearly beloveds. I want them to get something special, unexpected, unique, and spectacular this holiday season from me. I want them to be happy. In fact, I wish everyone's happy this Christmas.
It's been a fast year and to be honest, I barely realized that the year's coming to an end once again. From the Arcadia suprise party to Cyler gift giving (I miss you, Cyler) to losing / gaining friends to Lara's Crowne moments to Bora with the bitches to Tagaytay mis/adventures to sudden Puerto moments to Laiya debuts to LaCopa moments to Playa, Calatagan to bestfriends' graduations to pick-a-fight moments to stressful thesis nights to everyday drinking (at Xavierville, Grilled Tomato, Katip, Tomas, 77 Cafe) to Piedra nights to Holiday Inns to homecomings to I heart Katipunan to Ponte Fino Batangas to sucky retreats to Wii moments to high school reunions to Graduation pictures and write-ups to happy halloweens to going back to black hair (but shifting again to brown soon) to MarkProf to Subic Adventures to dolphin loving to double graduation.
This year was a year of great movies, impulsive (and sometimes unnecessary) closet filling, beach loving, booze overflowing, awards winning, network expansion, and love never-ending.
I can't wait for the next round.
Last night marked the end of our MarkProf training. The theme of the program was: "Top 25 Marketing Trainees: Ready for the World". Am I really? It's so scary for me. I dreaded the day the training would end coz it means that I finally finally have to face the real world and look for a job, support myself, and save my own money. I'm scared of the unknown and the unfamiliar. Last night, however, reassured me that I am actually ready and that I can take on any challenges that come my way. I celebrated that realization. I celebrated not only the idea of being one of the best Marketing trainees in the country, but I also celebrated the person that I could be someday.
I hope I make my parents proud, my country thankful, and myself happy and contented.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Results are out!
A text from my dad: "Congratulations. I'm very impressed, keep it up"
I still can't believe it. Out of the Top25 of the Philippines, I was #1 for the first week. 6 weeks more to prove to myself and to others that I can really be someone great. I have to work harder for the next week. I know the others will be more competitive than ever.
God be the glory.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ray of Light
According to my previous DepartmentHead, Marketing people are innately crazy. Ding Salvador, another founder of MarkProf said that the 25 trainees for 2007 are all crazy for joining the program.
Therefore, I am crazy.
I want to change the world, too, like most crazy people do, and I know I will.
The other day was our first training day for MarkProf. My God, everyone was so competitive. I kinda expected that already, though. We were branded as "The Dream Team of New Marketers" anyway so I knew that the people with me would be wanting that valedictorian spot on graduation day. I've never met a group of people more thirsty for glory and to tell you honestly, I feel so honored to be with a group that is so driven and goal-oriented. Healthy competition is always nice. I just hope it'll remain healthy come December.
The 1st trainor was the 1st Filipino Pres. of P&G. The second was Mr. Josiah Go and the third was from Unilever. I was amazed with Josiah's intelligence but was overwhelmed by Dondi's (from Unilever)creativity and imagination.
I think I'm more Dondi than Josiah. I'm more on the creative side of Marketing. I'm good with the other parts but brand conceptualizing and the likes are my forte. Out of the three trainors, it was with Dandi that I felt most inspired. I want to be like him. I want to be him.
I want to change the country, if not the world, through my ideas. I have so many of them that I just can't wait to start working already. I want my ideas to have an impact to the people. I want my ideas to demand attention and create a revolution. My goal is to effectively market brands that will be assigned to me by my future supervisor and at the same time allow people to see, realize, and discover a part of themselves in the brands that I will market.
I know that it's not right to block yourself from the possibilities of seeing other horizons but I can't help sealing myself in the world of Marketing. It is my calling that is why I'm gonna do everything to excel in it.
Note to self:
-review for next week's topic in order to be ahead of others
-research on the case study
-do homework about Blue Ocean Strategy
-book Bora tickets :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
STC (Stop The Crap)
I want to share with you what happened to my cousin Janthina Pamela "Janpi" Oliveros, daughter of my tita Osang Jopson - Oliveros (HS 77). Janpi is a 4th year student at STC. She has been consistently on top of her batch the past 3 years, and the top candidate for valedictorian until this case.
I am sharing this with everyone because I feel that she was not given due process by the high school administrators. As a former Theresian, I cannot just sit and not do anything about what they did to Janpi. The Theresian community including the alumni ought to know about this. Although she's not interested to go back to STC anymore, I feel we have to do something to stop this from happening again to another student of our dear alma matter.
Please take note that Janpi, #1 in the batch is class president, model student, dance prod director, etc. Alison Bayle her classmate is #6 in the batch. She is the daughter of Mrs. Teresa Bayle HS Principal. She is a goddaughter of Mrs. Sacdalan and a some of the 4th year HS teachers.. Who wouldn't think this happened because they are desperate for Alison to be valedictorian. OR ELSE WHY NOT GIVE JANPI HER DAY IN COURT?
Please read on, this is her account of the story.
I am Janthina Pamela Jopson Oliveros a 4th year student of STC. I have been accused by the high school administration of committing forgery. The whole process was very traumatic for me. I am writing this letter to present my side of the story in the hope that these things would not happen to any other student again.
It was last March 2007 after classes had ended that Mrs. Guinevere Sacdalan, the coordinator of PEHM and head of the Young People Management office, called us for a two-day planning session to prepare for our dance production. The director, costume designer, script writer, and music in-charge of each class were called. During that planning session we chose the music for our production, made the costumes designs, assigned the sectors to represent, and finalized the order of presentation for the Family Day. Everything was done except for the dance itself.
Last August, I asked my PE teacher Mrs. Josefina Yalong if I could borrow our costume designs because we, the directors for the dance production, were already asked to assign the character and costume for each person in the class. When I got the costumes during dismissal time, almost half of the class were still inside the classroom. They saw the costume designs for the first time and there were a lot of violent reactions: they said it was ugly, it was not appropriate, the skirts were too short, there should be no sleeves, they don't want to wear shorts, etc. They wanted almost all costume designs to be changed by our costume designer Dianne. I said to them that it couldn't be done anymore because Mrs. Sacdalan had already signed each costume design. Someone from the group shouted "Edi i-forge" other classmates suggested "I-scan nalang!" "I-photo copy!" I was in a hurry to go home that time because it was raining so I just said, "Cge bahala na kayo diyan" and
left the costume designs with my classmates because I was assured that Dianne would keep the costume designs since it was she who made those. Classes were suspended the next day, and we had a long weekend. Sunday night, I even texted Dianne so she wouldn't forget to bring the costume designs because I was already going to submit them to Mrs Sacdalan. The next day during homeroom period, our class adviser Mrs. Rhodora Formalejo gave us time to discuss about our dance production. So I got the designs from Dianne and went in front of the classroom to show it to the class. While showing the designs, I noticed that two costumes were already changed just as what my classmates suggested the previous week. I just continued showing them, and since not all of my classmates were there the previous week when I first got the costumes, a lot saw the costumes for the first time and there were violent reactions again. Alison Bayle, the daughter of our principal, and script writer of our
class, even wanted another costume to be changed but I said it couldn't be done anymore since a lot of the costumes were already changed. Someone from the class asked to see the designs so I gave them, and the designs were passed around the class. Some of my classmates, especially our choreographers, were already talking to Dianne asking her to change and alter the designs once more. Since Dianne was seated beside one of our choreographers, Isabelle, she was forced to adhere to the changes they wanted. During recess time, I saw Dianne inside the classroom busy doing something. A lot of my classmates were walking around the classroom, so I went to look at what Dianne was doing and I saw that she was busily cramming another costume. After she finished drawing the costume, she forged Mrs Sacdalan's signature, and smudged it with ink. I was just standing there watching her, and I said "Dianne, masyado ka na mahahalata nyan." It was so obvious since she even smudged the
forged signature. So I got the design and tried to rub it off but it was done with ink so there's nothing I could do about it. I was called by Mrs Sacdalan after recess, so I hurriedly got the costumes and placed it on her desk in her office. I didn't tell her that our costume designer changed and forged her signature since I didn't want Dianne to be the one punished because she was just forced by the class.
After lunch, Mrs Sacdalan already knew what Dianne had done, and Dianne was called for in the office. She was made to write an incident report, and she wrote a short report that says it was I, the director of the class, who forced her to change and forge the signature. I was also called to Mrs Sacdalan's office. While on the way to the office I asked Mrs. Yalong our PE teacher what the problem was. Mrs.Yalong showed me the drawings of the costumes which were changed and told me the signature was forged. Mrs. Yalong asked me what happened. I did not immediately tell them what happened because I was afraid. But when our guidance counsellor Miss Karen talked with me I told her what happened. I was then asked to tell everything to Mrs. Sacdalan. I couldn't remember all the details and all the events that had happened at once. The events were slowly coming back to me as I was trying to recall them when I was asked to tell the story for about three times that one
afternoon. I stayed in Mrs. Sacdalan's office for almost 5 hours.
Dianne and I were never called to the office again. After about two weeks, Mrs Sacdalan already gave me a letter for my parents. They were asked to come to STC and talk to Mrs Sacdalan. After two weeks they were called again, and after one week they were called for the last time.
Excerpts of the incident reports which Dianne and I wrote were read to them and they were shown the drawings of the costumes which were changed. They were told that an investigation was underway and that they would be called again.
During the second meeting with my parents, they were told that Dianne was consistent in blaming me and that the administration committee decided that Dianne and I were guilty of forgery. My parents asked whether there was an attempt to make Dianne and I issue our statements face to face in order to flesh out the truth regarding who really asked her to change the costumes. Mrs. Sacdalan said it was not part of their procedures. My parents replied that it was part of due process. My parents also questioned why there were no witnesses interviewed regarding what really happened and why the class was not called to a meeting to really get to the bottom of things. My parents said that majority, if not the whole, class knew most especially the class officers. They also questioned why I was charged with forgery when I did not actually forge any signature and why Dianne and me were meted the same degree of penalty. My parents also questioned the gravity of the penalty on
Dianne and me when it was not done to defraud or cheat the school; but we merely yielded to peer pressure. They asked why it was only the two of us being punished and not the whole class. They even suggested that the penalty should be appropriate to the infraction such as disqualifying the class from the dance production and relieving me of my role as director, and not to judge our whole conduct. My parents also said that my behaviour for the last ten years in STC should have been considered in meting out a penalty. Mrs. Sacdalan said that these would be considered and that they would be called to a meeting again. After a week, they were called to a meeting and were told that the decision was final. My parents felt that all the points they raised were not even considered. And my father threatened to bring the case to court.
The administrative committee of the high school department had made their decision to give me a failing grade in my conduct grade for forgery. That would mean I would lose all the awards and recognitions until I graduate. When I learned that Dianne blamed everything to me, I talked to her and told her that isn't it, it was not I who forced her to change the costumes and forge the signatures? I even have witnesses, classmates who can attest to that because they were there when it happened. Dianne affirmed that it was not my fault. But Mrs Sacdalan claimed to my parents that Dianne was consistent in her statements that it was I who made her change the costumes and forge the signature.
During the months of August and September after the incident happened and while the investigation was supposedly still underway, my PE teacher was already spreading false stories about me in the faculty room. Mrs. Yalong claimed that I admitted to doing everything and that she felt betrayed. Mrs Sacdalan would make indirect remarks about me during meetings with the directors, choreographers and costume designers such as " O baka mamaya may palitan na naman kayo diyan." I also learned that the admin even made a new rule that students with failing grades in conduct cannot compete in inter-school contests. And for the past year I was already trained and I already competed and won in several contests. My math teacher-trainer was disappointed by this new rule since he already had competitions in mind where he would let me join.
I cried a lot since the whole case began. I dreaded going to school, hearing the side remarks, the false stories and accusations being hurled against me by some of my teachers. After the final decision was made, our family talked about what happened. I cried and told them I do not want to go back to STC again. We discussed all the options and they allowed me not to go to school while they were exploring the options available and while they try to have an audience with the school directress and the provincial superior of ICM.
We learned that to strengthen their case against me and attribute a "motive" they twisted facts about what happened during our 4 th year retreat last July. They invented the story of how I was told to inspect the bags of my class and list down those who brought cell phones, which was not allowed during STC activities. They said that I listed the names of all my classmates who brought their phones but purposely left out my name. They claimed that this angered my classmates and to make up I relented to changing the costumes and forged the signatures for the dance production.
But this is not true. What really happened was our Religion teacher Mr. Valencia made a surprise inspection of some of our bags and temporarily confiscated the cell phones of some of my classmates. After the retreat our class adviser Mrs. Rhodora Formalejo called us one by one because she said she felt that there was something wrong or there was an issue with the class. She asked us who brought their cell phones during the retreat. I and my classmates who brought their phones admitted to it. Mrs. Formalejo replied, " O sige sa atin-atin na lang iyon tapos na naman."
I also learned from my classmates that Alison Bayle was spreading gossips and bad things about me to my classmates while I was absent. She was also telling my classmates that Mrs Maria Teresa Bayle our principal was able to talk with some alumni who, she claims, told her that my mother was telling the alumni that I was being forced out of STC.
We also learned that right after the last meeting between Mrs. Sacdalan and my parents, a faculty meeting was called. We learned that our principal and the admin painted a bad picture of me before my 4th year teachers and that because of this, most of my 4th year teachers are angry at me even though I didn't do anything to them. We also learned that Mrs Sacdalan asked my PE and Music teachers to lower my grades for the 2 nd quarter.
We still hear that the gossips and the bad mouthing about me inside the faculty room continue.
I am so devastated by what happened and what is still happening. I really dread going back to STC. For weeks after the incident happened, I would drag myself to school every morning. It's as if everything I worked hard for, for the past 10 years I've been studying in STC was all gone in a snap. I've never had any infraction since Prep, and with that one incident, my life in STC was crushed. I couldn't take it anymore. I have been absent for two weeks, and I didn't take the quarter exams. But my two-week break from school did not lighten my feelings. How can I go back to STC knowing that the principal, the head of the Young People Management office, and majority of my 4th year teachers are angry at me and are bad mouthing me inside the faculty room?
Nevertheless I am still grateful to STC. I have been a scholar during my last three years at high school for being the top of the batch. More importantly, I enjoyed my first nine years at STC and I learned a lot. It has taught me to be responsible, to be concerned about our less fortunate brothers and sisters, and to be God-fearing. It has helped shaped me into who I am today and it has given me the opportunity to develop as a person and as a leader. But what happened is very traumatic for me. I have talked with my classmates recently to clarify the false stories being told about me, to thank them for their support and cooperation, and to tell them that I have enjoyed my time with them. It broke my heart seeing them cry and I cherish the hugs I received from them. Now, I just want to move on and to leave these things behind me. - Janpi Oliveros
************ ********* ********* *
I am not trying to ruin STC by coming out with this story. I just cannot afford to have STC's good name and reputation be ruined by some individuals with personal interests. And of course I feel the alumni ought to know about what happened.
Janpi is okay. She has taken college entrance exams in UP, Ateneo and DLSU. My tita has confirmed with DepED that to be eligible for college she just needs to pass the univ entrance and have a high school diploma. She is going to be home schooled til she gets a diploma.
Our family regret that Janpi will not graduate in STC. Too bad because she's supposedly my tita Osang's 1st daughter to graduate from STC HS and supposedly a valedictorian at that. Her elder sisters Celina Pia and Katrina Gianina went to STC grade school but graduated in Phil Science HS and QC Science HS respectively.
Why didn't they make those involved come face to face to settle the issue? It was really just a simple case which they used to bring Janpi down.
What would you do if you were in our shoes?
-Joyette Jopson HS96
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Grad Wish List
1. Lifetime of Secrets book - How wonderful.
2. My own Car - Otherwise, I'm driving Bobby's Mazda 3!
3. A new phone - I miss Cyler
4. That very HSP dress I saw awhile ago
5. Zara / Topshop / Dorothy Perkins Overload
6. Grand SURPRISE Grad party
7. My own place - Whatevs.
8. Fab job - c/o MarkProf already. Whew!
Good thing I'm not married to them. Just wait til I get my promising job this December / January. I'll be out in no time.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Guess who's part of the Top 25 Marketing Management Trainees of the Philippines headed by none other than THE Josiah Go!?!?!?!?!?!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Law of Sacrifice: You can't give everything to everybody
Oh yes, I am part of the top hundred up and coming Marketers of the Philippines and I am so proud of it! Thing is, so is my YOUNGER brother.
Apparently, he joined the same competition and I knew about it only days before the 2nd phase. I hated the idea of him being there. I hated the idea of me being so scared that I might lose my chances of becoming part of the last batch standing because of him. Why does he even have to consider the idea of joining a competition that is so MINE? Or so I think it is.
He's always been VERY successful in all his endeavors. He's running for suma cum laude. He holds top positions in all his organizations. He won almost all the competitions that he's been into during his whole stay in Ateneo. He has organized countless successful events such as parties, fashion shows, etc PLUS everybody loves him. What's worse is that I do too. Hard as it may be for me to admit the idea, I know I do love him and that I am so proud of everything that he has accomplished. In fact, during emo moments, I feel so proud to be his sister.
But the night before the 2nd phase of the competition, I despised him. I can't accept that he's gonna be part of someting that I've been wanting to have for months. I was such a chicken shit because I knew that he could actually be part of the chosen group. I knew then that I had to do everything I could to win, not against all the other participants, but against my own brother. Losing is hard enough, but losing while you're brother gets accepted was so unacceptable.
Everything changed when he started doing all those sweet gestures during the competition. "Good luck, ate" "Tabi ka nalang sakin" "Good luck! :)" Ugh! He's so good at that that I just couldn't resist! What's worse is that I knew he was sincere. I hate it. I like it. Ugh.
I did my best and I am very sure he did his part too. I feel less selfish now that's why I'm ready to actually say this: I'm fine as long as one of us gets in the Top 25. If it's the two of us who are chosen, then lucky us. I am proud of how far we've come in terms of our goals in life and I hope that we'll both be successful in our chosen fields. Next time though, let me know about the competitions that you'll be joining so that I can join too. Boo yah!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I haven't slept with a falloutboy so all I got is this blog
1. I've been to a lot of super expensive restaurants here and abroad but nothing beats the taste of fast food and good 'ol Mr. Kebab.
2. Nice clothes make me really happy but unique,lovely pieces from ukay ukay give me that unexplainable high.
3. I'm obsessed with plucking, fixing my bedsheet (making them so crisp is so addictive, and organizing my Ipod (titles should all be in small letters, etc.)
4. I thought I didn't like watching TV but when I finally had one in my room, I was hooked.
5. I may not seem like it but I actually love alternative and punk music. They make me steady happy.
6. Pink looks best on me than any other color.
7. I can never be on a strict diet. Ever.
8. I am better than I actually think I am.
9. The only people who could actually make me laugh my heart out are Conan O Brien, my bestfriend Ning, Melo Jose, Ramon Bautista, and the famous yet non-existent Ben.
10. I can never walk on icky, rocky, lumot-y, wet floors. Ugh. Thinking about it makes me shiver.
11. I am one jealous girl.
12. I will never age. I just know it. I have a heart of a hippie!
Friday, August 24, 2007
My new job as a Beckham groupie
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race
Are we that mature enough to engage in such agreements? I don't think so. In fact, I feel so young that I'm finally getting my tattoo after my birthday. Bwaha. My long time idea is finally happening. How mature. Fine, the bride-to-be and I have different lifestyles already but I doubt that we have way different levels of maturity. In fact, I sometimes feel more mature than her when it comes to decisions regarding matters of the heart. But then again, I may be wrong. Honey, why?!?!?!?! Hinay lang, wag kang papasok sa di mo makakayang labasan pag kailangan na. I better get a superb explanation 'cause otherwise, I won't be believing in that marriage that much.
We once danced to Backstreet Boys and Moffatts songs. What happened to the whole "Let's have fun before marrying?"idea? God, I'm scared to even buy a dress that I'm gonna wear for THE (one and only) wedding that's (SUPPOSED TO) happen next year. Come on friends, we are still so young and free! Who would want to let go of that?!
I am totally tripped out by the whole thing. I can't let go of it that I had to call my in-a-relationship-but-definitely-not-married friend about it. Good thing she's on my side.
Goodluck 3cx. Hope you're happy. I will be if you are.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Fall in love with..
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Time after time
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I actually envy and have high respects for those who pursue something that they have wanted to do ever since. All I'm saying is that it's nice to have other things going for you too instead of just one, because when certain unexpected and unnecessary things happen, you may not be able to absorb the idea that you'd have to stay away from your obsession for awhile. And when that happens, you'll be going through a difficult detoxification.
"People, people, please!!!" - Raven Ah lav dat layn! The only people that you need in your life are the ones who prove that they need you in theirs. If someone makes you feel like she/he doesn't need you, then you are wasting your time on one person when you could be making another person feel more important.
I know that life is about taking chances, but life is also about being happy. The more you crave for unnecessary things, the more you'll end up getting frustrated with the world, and then with your life.
Friday, July 20, 2007
And everything I choose to do
You should believe that I’ll
Always come back to you
Life is discovering
The love that we create
Life is a mystery
We need to embrace
In every way
You need to let go
You’ll see all your dreams will follow
In every way
You need to let go
People rise together
When they believe in tomorrow
Change the day to forever
This life keeps movin’
Open your mind and see
We have everything we need
Dream or reality
Fulfill its destiny
In every way
You need to let go
You’ll see all your dreams will follow
In every way
You need to let go
You need to let go…
I miss Tyler.
Im happy that everything's so easy for me right now. Im on my road to success,I know it!
People rise, I rise.
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Healthier Me
For a long time I hated working out 'cause I thought there's no point in sweating that much if you can do something way easier.
1. There's pills for the ultimately tamad people who want fast results. I took chances with the diet pills and mind you, they do work. Thing is, diet pills give you fast results but fast comebacks. The moment you stop taking those deceiving pills, all the fats come back with vengeances! I took these diet pills that were so effective people were shocked with the results with only 10 days of trying them. Unfortunately, I was the one shocked 10 days after those 10 days. The moment I stopped taking the pills, I gained every bit of the fats I lost and so much more.
Oh no, I didn't stop there! I took another set of diet pills. This batch of pills made me say "No more tabs/pills/capsules from now on" (at least for now). My body shaked the whole time and my head throbbed so bad that everytime I took them, it felt like waking up from a drunken party the night before. Well, it said "for obese people" at the back of the box so I guess I'm partly to blame for everything that happened. I mean I think I'm fat but I'm definitely not obese and yet I didn't listen.
2. Of course there's the other type of drugs that people could rely on to for thinner bodies and happier moments. Shabu, cocaine, etc. - I won't go that far anymore, sorry. I only wanna be thinner, not dead.
3. Not eating must be the most stupid thing a person can do in order to be thin. First of all, not eating would only make you think of food twice as much as you do normally. Second, thinking of food twice as much would make you double your intake of food. Third, even if you actually fight the urge of eating too much, the moment you munch that favorite food of yours would make you forget you promised not to eat anymore. You'll chug everything in by the time you get to taste one of your favorite foods again. So much for the so-called discipline.
Reasons why I love working out now:
1. It makes me feel more alive during the day. I'm already way energetic, but working out makes me feel so awake that I get to do more things. More energy mas happy!
2. I don't pressure myself to be thin like most people I know. My goal now is to be healthy. Side wishes nalang na I get to be thinner too. All I have to do now is eat healthier and then I'm off for sure to a better me!
3. I get to laugh at myself after doing all those stupid moves and breathing techniques that the instructor wants me to do. "Remember, you have to push your powerhouse up to your ribs as you breathe out to get better results." and "Squeeze those buns as you circle your legs to your back." If only people could see me with my focused face..
4. Working out makes me glow. I know, I know. I swear, SOME people say I'm glowing right now. Maybe it's because of the workout. Or maybe it's Olay. Oh well.
I hope I don't get bored after a few months. I've been pretty consistent and I'm proud of that. I just wish I will be able to keep this up. Who knows, I might get that Jessica Alba body I've been wanting to have. (Tsssss, whatever!)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Way back into us
I will miss you John Milton. We will always be the classics. It will never be the same without the feeling of you just a text or phone call away.
I love you! The bitches love you! When you come back, gimik bastos na to!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
30 Activities that make me happy
2. Putting stuff in my scrapbook / stress reliever
3. Watching gigs / concerts - I haven't done this in a long time
4. Shopping for happy clothes
5. Drinking - It's fun to drink especially when you're with your pep squad
6. Preparing for my long-awaited graduation - Finally, my last hoorah! Ima make this sweet!
7. Eating - Contradictory to my long-life dream to go on a strict diet
8. Being surrounded by people - I don't have to be surrounded by friends per say; Seeing other people is enough to make me sane
9. Gobil
10. Going out of town or out of the country
11. Attending parties
12. Working for Tyler and Aspac Ad Agency
13. Starting pilates
14. Getting a massage - I AM ALWAYS STRESSED.
15. Looking at myself in the mirror doing everything imagineable from singing to dancing to crying to talking to acting
16. Dancing alone in the shower with the music in full blast
17. Listening to my happy songs - My Ipod had to be replaced with a new one because of overusage, according to the people in MAC center
18. Receiving stuff from people - I am one materialistic person, and I love it!
19. Going to Theme Parks
20. Swimming
21. Sleeping
22. Making other people laugh - I'm confident to say that I'm so good at this already.
23. Watching TV Series - Current obsessions include Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, One Tree Hill, L Word
24. Taking pictures
25. Getting my nails done
26. Shopping for other people
27. Going inside a Party Needs store
28. Watching sappy-crappy Tagalog movies - I love movies in general but Tagalog "romantic" movies make me ecstatic
29. Riding a fast car at night and at a free-flowing road with the windows down
30. Cleaning my room with my closet as the first priority
Friday, June 15, 2007
Ms. Halfway goes all the way
Ever since I got hold of that magazine that featured people with success stories ages ago, I've had countless attempts to actualize my small dreams with friend/s.
Sure, the passion for the dream mini businesses was so there, but the willingness to finalize the ideas was not present at all. Laziness got the best of us before so now that I'm giving a go signal to this new idea, I'm not letting stupid laziness get in the way again.
I have a good team with me and if ever God tests me with people who will eventually become lazy at the middle of the whole process, I know I can still count on one person to go with me all the way.
Cross your fingers and wish us luck. It's not gonna be easy.
I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply
I’m gonna fill up the great divide
You’ll never break me with all the things you say
“Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Makes You and I Wonder
I'm trying to change that "habit" now. I don't wanna add more CSIs on my list. Can't you see me trying? Don't I get at least an appreciation statement or something? I love you, I always do. I NEVER lie about my feelings, everybody knows that.
Maybe when I get to have that chance to be someone else and have a relationship with myself for a month, I'd be terrified and paranoid as hell too. I wouldn't know when and how to believe me when things get too suspicious. I'd check text messages and call registers too. In fact, I'd do everything you do.
Don't you oftentimes think that it's way better when we just enjoy our moments together instead of spending too much time interrogating OR fighting over who called me, who texted me, yada yada yada?! It's becoming a bit dragging, just so you know.
Wanna know how to catch me when I'm lying? Shout at me. I get scared when someone does that to me 'cause it reminds me of my angry mom. Go no holds barred shouting until you feel like you've said all your frustrations. If you're lucky, maybe I'll tell you the truth (assuming I'm lying at that particular moment). Wanna make sure what I told you was true? Ask the same questions to me after a month. The true answers are the ones that linger in my Dory-ish memory. If I don't give you the same answer, then for I'm sure dead.
There. Case closed.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
La Copa

La Copa will behaving a private sale and I will be participating there again as an event stylist. I will be having private invitations so if you guys want to come just let me know! The clothes are to die for, trust me!
In preparation for our new collection, La Copa is having a sale event at Mancor Corporate Center, the Fort on June 15-17.
Don't miss the chance to get a hold of the last few pieces of our present collection - unique items only La Copa has to offer.
Message me on my tagboard for more details or check out
Friday, May 18, 2007
He is so back!

Elliot Yamin!!
I just can't let this day pass without giving him credit. He is so hot with that "Im a neanderthal" look! Who would have thought?! Seriously, I can't believe he's back!
He's one of the few people in AI with a pure and humble heart that's why it's so nice to see him really make it in the music industry! (unlike those old contestants who would bet on their lives just to prove to the world that they'll make it big after being booted off the show but ages after, still no single from them!) I love love love Yamin! Remember his grandma? Or was it his mom? Either way, I love her too.
Didn't see it coming, swear. Katherine McPhee and Chris Daughtry would be automatic stars but Elliot? Wow! The moment he sang on AI, I got my laptop and downloaded it! It's the very first time I've ever done that while watching the show. I didn't do it when Kelly Pickler sang.
I guess dreams do come true to some people. Good for them! Good for that cutie Elliot! I will so support him, I swear.
Three posts in one day. Oh wow. Bored as hell.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I Take It Back
I am not living the life that I want. I want the best of both worlds. In fact, I always do. But norms, values, and all that crap tell me I can't. Why can't I just be happy with everything? Why do I have to be happy on one side, and depressed on the other? People think I've mastered the art of living two lives. Contrary to popular belief, I still consider myself an amateur. I don't wanna get used to spending my life divided.
It's your laughter that won't let me go. God.
I don't wanna be everyone's "favorite mistake". Im tired of that. I wanna be someone good to them. Now everything's so wrong. I feel so bad. As in really.
God, I feel like Meredith: dark and twisty.
I still wanna be Tori Amos though. I wanna be free from all this and do everything without people telling me I've gotten out of my mind.
A Sorta Fairytale
Girl: "Nakakainis my kids! They kept on calling and calling! They're now in America living the lives that they wanted. They wanted to be independent and so I finally let them go. For once I want to live my own life. Now that Im pretty old, Id like to travel! I want to go places and I have enough money for it! I have provided all my kids their own houses in La Vista and in the US and now all I want is a condo where I can relax everytime I go home from a vacation. I need one, you know!"
Boy: "Then I'll go with you! Punta tayo Milan next week you want?"
Girl: "Sige!"
They didn't seem like lovers to me. They just looked like two old friends who have remained that way since forever. I would love that too.
Im happy Im living my life the way I want it to be right now. There might be little disappointments on the side, but at least I get to live my life the way I want it to be. I don't want to grow old and imagine the what couldve been life. I want to take things slow, absorb every thing that's happening and let it all sink in. I dont want to forget. I dont want to be forgotten.
Look at how free Tori Amos is. She's such a goddess. I love her
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A Certain Romance
They'll never listen 'cause their minds are made up and, OF COURSE, it's all okay to carry on that way
Over there there's broken bones, and it don't take no Sherlock Holmes to see it's a little different.
I should have said:
No! Oh no!
Well you won't get me to go!
Not anywhere, not anywhere
No I won't go
But as expected, I didn't.
Over there there's friends of mine. What can I say, I've known 'em for a long long time and yah, they might overstep the line but I just cannot get angry in the same way.
Wish me luck. I'll be going to some place I know I'll be too uncomfortable to even talk. Guardian angel, be with me tonight.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Caring is creepy
I do deserve pretty things because.. well I just do. I'm your fucking daughter for crying out loud! I have the right to leech from your so-called riches and use it to my advantage in any way possible. But do I actually get to have that luxury? Sige, fine, sometimes. But when you compare my status with Bobby's, or Patricia's even, God, you wouldn't even consider me part of the family anymore! I swear. I was jealous before but now, I don't even know what to feel. I hope I'm that jaded but I'm still not.
Pucha, SO WHAT. Fine, buy Bobby his second car. Fine, give him my new laptop 'cause you think he needs it more than I do. Go ahead, looks like he's missing out on a lot of things anyway. I'm happy being the person you don't text anymore. I'm happy that I get to go to anywhere I want to, whenever I want to. I'm finally free from you guys. Finally.
This is so relaxing. Weird.
Long live comfort in strangeness! I want you.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
La Copa
"Kelan?!" - me
Fab couture + Fab, fun friends and familiar faces = Love.
Being a stylist was more of a hobby than a job to me. After the call from Warner, I literally jumped for joy. I was gonna do the one thing that I learned to love - being a stylist! Call me shallow, maarte, feeling, superficial, whatever! I do not care. I get to be surrounded by pretty clothes plus I get to see the former Tyler people again! Who would wanna miss that?
Working for 7 hours waiting for elite, stylish customers was nothing compared to what I've been through before so the whole event was a stroll in the park. Wawa the other girls though who weren't used to the demands of the job; they all looked so tired after the first day. There's so many ugly things in the world that being surrounded by beautiful creations is an opportunity.
I finally convinced myself that the pregnant look is so not for me. I actually look pregnant whenever I wear those items so I guess I'll stick to the body-shaping clothes.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
On a High
I was assigned to the Planning Department and I love it! It's way better than the Creatives, I think. I love love love iiiitttt. Pucha need I say more?!
The moment I sat down on (take note) my desk, (Yes, I have my own space and Im proud of it. E so kung mababaw?!), Sir Ray said: "Ok, here's what we're gonna do." Imagine, not even 30 mins spared for company intro and the crap! We were rushing for the deadline tomorrow. He showed me everything that I was to do and to tell you honestly, the more he enumerated everything that I had to do, the more I got kilig. Who wouldn't?! I was even solely assigned to that one project that's due on Friday and I haven't started anything yet! It's such a high I can't stop daydreaming about what's gonna happen tomorrow! Going to work is way better than any drug out there.
Oh and the other newbies are way fun too!
Okay. I believe I have to stop now. I look like a person who hasn't eaten in months salivating over a piece of bread.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Aspac Advertising: Global Creative Business
Who We Are
We are communication partners focused on brand creation and re-creation. We strive to create a compelling market advantage for our Clients by leveraging the tools of marketing communications.
What We Do
We constantly seek out ways to do things better not for the sake of being different, but in the pursuit of business success for our Clients.
What We Believe In
- We believe that a great agency can outsmart the competition without needing to outspend them.
- We believe that brilliant creativity is an unfair advantage in the marketplace.
- We believe that constantly challenging the status quo ensures the best and most effective work.
- That a client list should be handpicked and small, so agency principals and key people can stay neck-deep in client business.
Tomorrow's my first day. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Sumammer na!
Reasons why I should my summer is worth a one biiig smile from ear to ear:
a. Bora with my bitches: 6 days, 5 nights all expenses paid! It was all perfect - fab group, fab beach, fab crowd, fab resort, not to mention the fab picnic we had while watching the sunset (complete with sparkling and red wine, blue cheese, and chocolates courtesy of Raffy). Beer + beach + friends = perfect.
b. Puerto: Oh yes, my MC lovies will be there. Can't wait.
c. Calatagan: Only girlies are allowed.
2. OJT
San Miguel was the first to accept me. They wanted me to start asap because they needed someone like me daw. What the hell did that mean? Anyway, I turned it down 'cause I had to go to the beach first. Haha. Sayang but sokey! Then there's GMA. I did almost all the processes already; I sent the letters, got my good moral for the company and attended the orientation. In the end though, I had to turn the offer down again. They were gonna place me at their Legal Division. COME ON. I am not up for that. Then there's Six Degrees Strategic Design. It's an Ad Agency that focuses on low budget advertising. I am really interested. I might try there if there's time left this summer.
Finally. Right when I was feeling sad because I didn't have a multinational company to go to (Oh yes, it should be multinational. Otherwise, my dad will get so disappointed), ASPAC Advertising texts me to say that I have an interview the very next day! Everything went well. I love it. Im part of the Creatives and I'm so fucking proud of it! Yey.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Post Secrets
Here are some secrets of strangers that I believe can be mine as well.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Naked and Sacred
I am, sadly, needy by nature. You say I am not easily contented with what I have, but if you'll look a little closer, you'll see that all I actually need is you. And with you, I have peace.
By the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing wrong with being needy, more so materialistic. There are so many beautiful things in this world and it's up to us to appreciate them. Haha BULL! Look, even the Pope wears Prada!
"He may never make the best-dressed lists, but Pope Benedict XVI is nothing short of a religious-fashion icon, riding in the Popemobile with red Prada loafers under his cassock and Gucci shades. But his penchant for designer wear and a move to ditch the papal tailors who have dressed popes for more than 200 years are causing new wrinkles in the Vatican. Benedict has favored his tailor from his days as cardinal, Alessandro Cattaneo, and the 20-year-old religious-fashion house of Raniero Mancinelli, which has provided the pope with dazzling new vestments (some with shimmering, sequinlike details). At risk of losing the papal-dress contract are the Annibale Gammarelli tailors, who have made papal wear since 1792. But they blundered when Benedict had to make his debut blessing in a cassock that was too short, ending just above his ankles. Subsequent celebratory vestments made by Gammarelli are reported to have made the pope uncomfortable.
The Vatican won't comment on papal attire, and Gammarelli denies it is getting the ax: "We are still in contact with the Holy Father. Perhaps there was only an occasional gift by some friend of the pontiff," the tailor says.
—Barbie Nadeau, Newsweek
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Oha! They invited me to try out! Bull!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Sweet Escape
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Bittersweet Symphony
- from one special person.
Go figure.
I'll just be waiting for karma. Hope it strikes me bad. I deserve it anyway.
I love you always, I'm sorry.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
One Word
1. Yourself? selfish
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? complicated
3. Your hair? short
4. Your mother? scary
5. Your Father? smart
6. Your Favorite Item:
7. Your dream last night: forgot
8. Your Favorite drink: water
9. Your Dream Car: nada
10. The room you are in: mine
11. Your Ex's: friends
12. Your fear: isolation
13. What you want to be in 10 years: rich
14. What You're NOT? loyal
15. Muffins: nya
16: One of Your Wish List Items: swimsuit
18: Time: fast
19. The Last Thing You Did: powerpoint
20. What You Are Wearing: daster (Haha)
21. Your Favorite Weather: sunny
22. Your Favorite Book:
23. The Last Thing You Ate: noodles
24. Your Life: interesting
25. Your Mood:
26. Your friends: love
27. What are you thinking about right now? future
28. Your cellphone: L6
29. What are you doing at the moment? printing
30. Your summer: anticipating
31. Your relationship status: complicated
32. What is on your tv? none
33. What is the weather like? humid
34. When is the last time you laughed? kanina
35. What do you do when you can't sleep? secret
Thursday, February 22, 2007
My Addiction is Back!
My favorite: LAKISHA JONES. My God, can this girl sing or what?!?! I love her facial expressions when she sings.

My special favorite: CHRIS SLIGH. His humor is soooo out of this world! I lalalalalove it! He's like Conan O'Brien!

A Chris Sligh Interview:
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I’m chubby.
How has this changed your life?
It hasn’t yet, except to make me poorer b/c of taking off so much work.
Do you have any lucky charms?
Yes, they’re magically delicious.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Karen 101
They say you could tell a person by looking at the group she's in. Let's see. I have my highschool friends: Ning, Mar, Ecai, Chai, Dior, Diana, and Jack. Not to mention my other high school friends Icay, Janis, Rej, Nash, Melo, IV4, my batch, plus my EXs. Being with them brings me back to so many incomparable moments. I call them my happy girls for it's only with them that I get to laugh that hard. I have my Ateneo people: JM, Alex, Chocho, Wenki, Jen, Chris, Dian, and Inigo. I love these gorgeous people to death. I call them my fab darlings. They have the most expensive and fab stuff most of the time, but their happiness come from the simplest of things. I have the You and Me, or so I thought I had them. I hope I still do. They're Aidz, Eli, Bok, Taker, Fred, Moch, Doms, JP, Drei, JC, etc. I call them my steady people because literally, they are steady people. I have my MC family: Thea, Pat, Ley, Roca, Moya, Piper, Vir, Keith, Gaf, Karla, Kharmi, etc. I call them my good-times people because with them, even the bad times become good. I have my cousins with whom I feel most comfortable with. They're my go-to people because they usually know when to save me, even when I don't ask for their help. Plus I have my other special friends: Sab, Anji, Wax, Jodie, Tiffy, etc. My heart will always have a space for them.
So there. Those are my possies. They are all totally different and yet I can relate to them all. Who I am then?! Does one group think of me differently than the other? I hope not for I try to be as consistent as possible.
I am Ma. Katrina Sillador Sangalang. Some people call me Karen, close friends call me Kar. I hate it when they call me Kat, the You and Me call me Ka. I am supposed to be 21 years old, but my mind and actions say I'm not. I live at New Manila, one of my favorite places in Quezon City. I've been here since I was in 2nd Grade and I doubt that we'll be moving to another house anytime soon. I don't have a lot of childhood memories, although memories from high school up to the present keep me contented. I have my immediate family who, I believe, hasn't seen the real me yet. What and how they think of me is totally different from who I really am. I am not trying to sound like a rebel here, I'm just misunderstood by them, that's all. Despite all the family drama crap though, I love them to death. Always have, always will. I treasure all my friends and I try to keep conflicts away from me as much as possible. I hate confrontations. I hate losing friends. I try to maintain good relationships with the people I meet.
St. John Child Care Center was where I had my first set of friends. I transferred to St. Theresa's College after. Eleven wonderful years of my life were spent there. It's where I grew up, basically. It will always be my home. Went to Ateneo de Mla University after high school. How I wish I went to La Salle instead. I transferred to Miriam College after three grueling years in ADMU. I've always been smart in school although my attitude and my way of thinking towards school sometimes pull me down. I am finally starting to accept that I am oftentimes irresponsible. I am starting to change, by the way. From now on, less parties and more schoolwork for me.
I worked for Tyler part-time last semester and I loved every minute of it. Even though I was complaining and whining and cursing during the latter part of my contract, I knew then that I still love what I was doing. I love the people. They are all fab. I miss Ida, Na, Abby, Nina, Di, Reg, Lala, Sidney, Warner, Georgia, and Sugar.
I've had eight (or nine?) serious relationships in my life. I've cheated on all of them and I've never been proud of it. I loved them all despite all the lies, I hope they know that. I still do actually. All the people with whom I've shared my life with are wonderful, amazing people and I wish them all the best. They will always be special to me.
I was always the biggest fan of love. That makes me wonder sometimes if that may be the reason why I oftentimes take and take and take love without thinking of the consequences of my actions. I want to make one thing clear though: I never cheated just so another person could fill in for the shortcomings of the other. It was never that way. I just didn't know how and when to limit myself from loving. I love the people I loved for who they are and that was enough. We all had our shortcomings but that was never a reason for me to cheat.
I love to be surrounded by people. I hate it when I'm home. I'd rather be alone smoking, or reading a book, or doing nothing at Starbucks than be stuck at home watching TV. Being around people, especially by the people I love, gives me that unexplainable high. I was never the introvert type, obviously. Oh, I won the Most Friendly award when I was in Preschool. Wala lang. Haha!
I am funny and I know it. It's a wonderful gift that I got from my dad. It's amazing how with just one word, you can make the whole group laugh their hearts out. I love making people laugh. It's like therapy.
I used to drink moderately but sadly, its been beer all day, everyday. I'm not proud of that too. It's because of that excessive drinking that I've been trying to watch what I eat now. I've been gaining a lot of pounds and I hate it. I hate that I'm trying to go on a pseudo strict diet right now. It's so not me. I love to eat. I love food. I love love love Chinese food, fast food, Japanese food, Italian, Spanish, American, even street food, heck I love them all. Except for veggies, of course. I don't eat vegetables. Oh and I don't eat dinuguan.
I hate people who act and think like they rule the world and that they're so much better than everybody else. They are all losers, in my opinion. I don't get mad that easily and if I actually do get mad at someone, that person won't ever notice. Unless of course that person knows me by heart already.
I smoke a lot. I wish I could cut down but I'm not that determined so maybe next year will be the year I"ll lessen my excessive intake of nicotine. I want to quit smoking when I'm thirty. I have to.
I hate snakes. Even typing the word gives me the creeps. All snakes should be eradicated from Earth.
I am a brat. I am crabby most of the time. I am moody when I wake up. I usually don't care what other people would think of me. I do what I want all the time. I am hard headed. According to Jacq, I'm the most spoiled person she has ever met. According to a friend, I am the most flirtatious though I doubt that I am. I am just friendly. People say I'm sweet and endearing. Close friends know I'm a backstabber. I can't keep a secret. I try my best to keep other people's secrets but sometimes, I just have to tell it to someone.
I listen to almost all types of music. I hate Gregorian chants. I listen to Pop when I'm in a good mood. I listen to r&b and hiphop when I want to dance. I listen to Eraserheads when I'm depressed. I listen to sappy songs when I'm heartbroken. I listen to sappy songs when it's raining. I listen to Alternative when I'm jolly. I am not a rock person but I love Alternative music, contrary to popular beliefs. I love Alternative songs. They don't bombard the lyrics with the words I love you, yet you could still feel the intensity of love in the song.
Movies are my stress relievers. TV Series are the second on my list. I adore One Tree Hill, I love Grey's Anatomy. I used to watch NipTuck and Lost. I might like Heroes. I don't know yet, I'll start watching it next week.
I am always driven by my passion. I see to it that I do what I love and that I excel in it. I was never happy with my course in Ateneo. Three years in Economics, imagine that. I love love love my course in Miriam College now. Marketing is the perfect choice. It's my perfect choice. It's who I really am and I believe that it's what I was destined to take. At least I hope it is.
Someday, when I become insanely rich, I will have my own Advertising Empire. I will donate money to charity. Heck, I'll even start my own foundation for abused women and for children. I will buy my own dolphins and God knows how much I will love them. I will buy all the clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories that I want. I will travel all over the world with my family. I will make sure that my children get to see wonderful things.
I could go on and on blabbing about myself and yet, for some reason, I still wouldn't know who I really am.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is Kar after all?